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Friday, March 16, 2007

Make a glass egg using the warp tool

This tutorial is only useful if you have Photoshop CS2!

If the images don't show up, just refresh the page or click the thumbs. They're there =]

- Open up a new file of 400x400 pixels

- Create a new layer and name it 'egg base'

- Select the 'Elliptical Marquee Tool' and create an oval as shown in the screenshot below:

- Fill this selection with #94fa11

Go to 'View' > 'Show' and check 'grid'.
This will be usefull when we start to warp the selection.

- Next, go to 'Edit' > Transform' > 'Warp' and create a 'Shell Lower' warp with a bend of 8% (this could vary depending on the ellips you drawed)

- Press 'Enter' to apply the warp.

You should have somehing like this now:

click for full view

- Select the 'Gradient Tool' and pick a 'Foreground to Background' gradient with #94fa11 as the darkest color and #cefb94 as the lightest.

gradient settings

- Now, with the 'Liniar gradient' selected, draw a line from the bottom off the sellection to the top of the selection.

This should leave you with the following:

aplied gradient

- Press 'Ctrl+D' and create a new layer. Name it 'gloss bottom'.

- Select the 'Elliptical Marquee Tool' again and draw a circle with a 'fixed ratio' and position it as shown in the screenshot:

fixed ratio

- Select the 'Gradient tool' again and pick the 'Foreground to Transparant' gradient with a white color.

- With the 'Radial Gradient' selected draw a line from the bottom of the selected circle to the top the selection.

- Go to 'Edit' > 'Transform' > 'Warp' and create a custom warp as shown in the screenshot:

warp settings

- You can always reposition the layer by selecting the 'Move Tool' and using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

By now you should have a similar result as the following:


- Create a new layer and name it 'gloss top'

- Select the 'Elliptical Marquee Tool' again and draw a circle with a 'fixed ratio' and position it as shown in the screenshot:

top gloss

- Pick the 'Gradient Tool' again ('Foreground to Transparant' with a white color and 'Linear Gradient') and draw a line from the top of the selected circle to the bottom of the selected circle.

- Go to 'Edit' > 'Transform' > 'Warp' and create a custom warp as shown below:

custom wrap

- Press 'Ctrl+D' and remove the grid by going to 'View' > 'Show' and unchecking 'Grid'

- Now go back to the egg base layer and go to 'Layer' > 'Layer Style'.
Change the following settings:

layer settings 1

layer settings 2

Click 'OK' and you're done!

The final result:

green glass egg

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